We all know a first impression is made within seconds of first entering a room. Our credibility is assessed by so many different data points, verbal and non verbal. Be intentional with how you show up, have a solid plan of what you’re going to say when asked to introduce yourself, and avoid that dry mouth, forgot-my-name kinda feeling.

We'll explore:
The impression you give​
How to get remembered
How to build instant credibility
How you'd like to come across and what potentially gets in the way of this

Knowing how to tell your story well is a superpower.

How to put yourself in the best light when the pressure and spotlight is on
How to reveal your personality, not just your job title, succinctly, powerfully, and impactfully
My clients have...
Delivered strong pitches​
Nailed their job interview
Discovered what to say at a networking event
Conquered their crippling imposter syndrome
Pitched themselves for jobs that don't even exist, and won them!
Found fluency in how they introduce themselves to a new team / new employer
All because they had their intro and their story down and ready to go.
Step 1
Understand your story - what makes you unique, what stories create the impression you want to give
Step 2
Re-write your success stories into pithy credibility statements
Step 3
Rehearse how to speak to each success story - with conviction and confidence.
The Format
An hour of preparation required pre session
A 3 hour session​
A 30 mins follow up call